Back Attack!!!
I havent been making updates or even being on Blogger all that much for the past few days. Sorry about that. I've been feeling a bit under the weather. I'm back and I think I'll do a few reviews on a few music artists and talk briefly on WoW.
All things considered this guy has done, his music isnt all that bad. If you like pop-y old school techno-ness and R&B, I think you'd like this album. He's a good singer and the album kept my foot tapping. My personal favorites are IYA, Chase Our Love, Graffiti, and So Cold. You should check em out if you're bored.
Next up is Nujabes. I've been listening to him for years now and I love love love him. If you're into soul / jazz / hip-hop, then you'd love this. Very smooth and sets you in a good mindset for the rest of the day, I promise.

Talking about WoW again. There was a small patch going on, but it was not THE patch. Just a few things to fix a few bugs, nothing to call home about. I stopped playing WoW until Cata, there isnt going to be just going on until then anyways. What a snore.
Christmas is coming up soon and I was wondering what everyone was going to get for their friends and family?
All things considered this guy has done, his music isnt all that bad. If you like pop-y old school techno-ness and R&B, I think you'd like this album. He's a good singer and the album kept my foot tapping. My personal favorites are IYA, Chase Our Love, Graffiti, and So Cold. You should check em out if you're bored.
Next up is Nujabes. I've been listening to him for years now and I love love love him. If you're into soul / jazz / hip-hop, then you'd love this. Very smooth and sets you in a good mindset for the rest of the day, I promise.
Christmas is coming up soon and I was wondering what everyone was going to get for their friends and family?
I really need to be thinking about what I want to get for my girlfriend for Christmas...she just took me on an island vacation this last weekend so it has to be something incredible. :D
Not always. Girls are mushy and love things that come from the heart. Unless she's more material than all means buy her a corvette.
getting a bike for my lady.
interesting post dude
gah no idea what to get my gf. She hates xmas as much as i do
Me and my girlfriend still havn't even set up a price range for this Christmas, and as for everyone else, not even a thought yet!!
Looks like I am in trouble, lol!!
Thanks for the heads up on WoW, and for the music reccomendations!! $3 for that one CD seems like a great deal...!
I'm getting my sister some money (well that's what she's going on vacation in Cuba) and my old laptop to my mother because she wants to stay in touch with the family since we both moved out this summer. Now I got a question for you, I have a new girlfriend(since this weekend) and we both agreed on not getting eachother a gift but I'm sure getting her a little something. Now I'm wondering what is the kind of gift she could like since I don't really know her that much (she's 19)
Hum. Well, get her something basic, nothing fancy, nothing fancy. You could play it safe and get her a 10 dollar gife card (15 bucks tops, any higher than 15 and it's probably a bit much and she'd feel bad for accepting it) with a nice card (bonus points if you make it) or you could do even better and take her own for a night on the town. Chicks love feeling special.
cool! Supporting!
Great post! Keep it up!
I think that's kind of cute to :p
No plans on gifts so far. Maybe some gift cards for my friends. Anyway, I'm glad you're back making updates.
very nice post...
cool post ! supportin!
No idea what I'm getting anyone for Christmas, lol. I usually let the girlfriend figure that out. Also, handmade cards to girls are epic wins. :) I have to get on the thinking up a gift to her though.
Good music suggestions too. Thanks.
Nice post - good luck!
Chris Brown is a dick.
Nice suggestions, thanks !
I missed you :) I hate Chris Brown though. Never found a song of his I enjoyed.
R.I.P Nujabes :(
i'll probably make my family some photographs..
interesting post....
I actually haven't thought of that yet xD Presents that is.
sigh holidays a mix of fun and stress
Love Christmas!
I can't wait to the new WoW comes out!
I don't even know what I'm getting. I don't even know if I'm getting anything. Aaargh, this semester killed me. RIP
Probably buy a few video games for christmas, upgrade my computer. The usual.
interesting post....
Nice stuff
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