The patch before Cata is out and I am excited! I actually reactivated my account just for this occasion and at first I didnt quite care for it. I was still a bit bored with the game. Our guild is done raiding until Cata so I'm pretty much out of things to do. So now I'm going out collecting pets and quests...odd things like that. It's very fun. Org is completely redone. I was a bit lost at first, but It's pretty easy to navigate once you look at the map a bazillion times. The old world is completely revamped and is looking amazing. But what I really wanted to stress on was TROLL DRUIDS TROLL DRUIDS TROLL DRUIDS!! I love trolls, they're my most favorite race in the game and I always wanted to make a druid. Whats a better time than now? I'm liking this patch a whole lot.
Blogger's Question: What is your favorite computer game? It can be any game. From King's Quest to WoW
baldurs gate 2
I'm addicted to Counter-Strike Source. I once dedicated a lot of time playing and started playing on competitive level(CAL, Cevo, Esea). Now that I'm somehow good, I just can't help it but run into pubs and get some people mad. It's my way of getting some happiness I guess. Haha
can't wait!
CSS here aswell, playing on a pro level.
Its loads of fun, and really nice to get a break from my daily routines.
I can't wait for this!!!
Oblivion or TF2.
King's Quest to WoW are both good places to start.
My favorite games for pc is probably CS, TF2, and fable lost chapters :D
so tempted
Xbox 360: Call of Duty Black Ops :)
Fav game: Team Fortress 2.
Happy thanksgiving! Following thy
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